(gr) 13th Highschool of Kallithea "Sokrates" in Kallithea

EVALUATION SUMMARY Back to OUR Future ErasmusPlus 2014-2016


Country: GREECE

Each of the following boxes requires a summary statement linked to the results of your evaluation. Each statement should be approximately 150 words (about 10 sentences).

1. Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Teachers learned to organize and be part of a large-scale project, which asks for skills/actions they were not initially familiar with, i.e. evaluation, extended use of ICT and dissemination of results. They all worked on new subjects/thematic fields, with different age groups, got to know and use new teaching methods and learned to share their work effectively.

The mobilities and workshops gave them all equal teaching and learning opportunities/experiences, which would be impossible outside a European Project framework and funding.

The enthusiasm of the students involved in the project has been the highest motivation for all the participant teachers. Students got to show higher sense of responsibility, confidence and motivation through the project implementation.

The staff expressed interest in the project displays. The conversations being held in the staffroom about the project work excited their interest and there was good attendance at the project events. Now the staff are clearer about the value of the project.

Now most of the teachers and students are motivated to keep learning/improve foreign languages and use of ICT.

The new skills learned by the students involved have drawn the attention of our school community. More students are encouraged to join in the project events.

Pupils, colleagues, parents, local authorities and the educational community are more interested in our work and willing to contribute to the project at any level .

2. Pupils (and Teacher) Sheet

All of the students involved in the related workshops can mend clothes, do basic sewing and knitting. Many can do basic gardening work.

Most of the students have learnt to value our traditional dances, songs, ancient theatre and greek language through their participation in creative/entertaining activities.

All the students are more concerned about environmental issues, many of them participated in recycling/environmental initiatives and encourage others to recycle or to reuse things.

Most of the involved students have selected to be smart consumers, they are more familiar with sustainable consumption and trading.

All of the students are fully aware of the importance of the Mediterranean diet. Many tried to cook health meals at home with the help of their parents/grandparents.

All of the students realized the importance of speaking foreign languages and being cooperative. Many learned to use ICT properly in order to produce material, to communicate and comment the project.

Most of the students have experienced the joy of creating something themselves instead of buying it.

All of the students learned to appreciate and save our traditions for the future.


3. School Improvement Action Plan

As a school, we learned to organize and be part of a large-scale European project. We have a stronger sense of European citizenship and collaboration.

We gave our students the chance of hands-on experience and bigger learning experiences through workshops, outdoor activities, local events and activities, use of cross-curriculum activities and teaching.

We extended our linguistic activities, encouraged task assignments in foreign languages and promoted communication with the pupils of the partner schools to some extent.

We achieved further cooperation with the pupils’ parents.

We achieved further active involvement of more teachers in the project. Most teachers involved participated in joint-staff training events, worked on new subjects/thematic fields, with different age groups, got to know and use new teaching methods and learned to share their work effectively. They have all evolved their skills in ICT and foreign languages.

The mobilities and workshops gave students and teachers equal teaching/learning/training opportunities and experiences, which would be impossible outside a European Project framework and funding.

We restarted and updated the school’s website in order to share our work.

The interest in our school and its work is now increased. We extended our knowledge in disseminating our project work through the web, social networks and other popular platforms.

NAME …………………………………….

This sheet should be used to encourage reflection and discussion on the project work.   The copies should be kept by the teachers and students ready for completion at the end of year two. Pupils can be given the support that teachers feel is necessary and a whole class discussion would be recommended prior to completing the form to engage the children with the main ideas.


Start of the project responses
(Year One)

End of the project summary 
(Year Two)

What skills do you already have that would be considered traditional skills?

Cooking, gardening, dancing folk dances and singing folk songs


What skills do you have that you think are useful these days?

Cooking, mending clothes, making new things from old things, ICT technologies, flexibility, cooperation, speak foreign languages


What traditional skills does your family and your neighbours  have?

family: cooking, mending clothes, knitting, gardening,

neighbours: gardening, fixing machines, making their own clothes, cooking, making things


List some things that you think could be changed for the better in the world today.

Environment, eco-sensibility, eco-thinking, saving water and energy, saving money, polluted seas, our nutrition, our ways of entertaining


What traditional things would you like to learn or to find out about?

Cooking, knitting, mending clothes, gardening, traditional ways of entertaining ourselves (theatre, dance, songs)


What could we do in our project which could change things for the future?

Increase sensibility about earth and saving energy, learn how to live with less money, appreciate aspects of traditional living, save/clean the sea and protect the forests, recycle, learn to reuse things



This sheet should be used to encourage reflection and discussion on the project work.  It is designed to look at how your school will improve through the two years of the project work.    It should enable you to engage the school community in active discussions around the main theme, ie, connecting the past with the future.




Is developing European Citizenship, including this particular Project, a part of your school improvement plan?

(The EU would like to encourage this.)


List how you implement the project across the school community:

We already have

- a European agenda

-subjects that refer to European Citizenship (i.e. geography)

-previous european experience

-Further linking between the pupils in transnational level.

-Further active involvement of more teachers in the project.

-Further work in developing foreign language skills.

How do you aim to connect the learning about the past to the way that our (local) communities should live in the future?


- focus on the 4 skills plan

- already have subjects that can be connected to our topic

-Further cooperation with the pupils’ parents/grandparents/ elderly people

-Connection between the cause and effect of global issues (ecology, nutrition, consumption)

-Promotion of sense of past heritage through activities and educational visits

How will you use the project to encourage awareness of how to develop healthy active lifestyles?



We already have

- subjects connected to healthy active lifestyles (home economics, gymnastics)

-the 4 life skills plan

We will give our students the chance of hands-on experience through workshops, outdoor activities, local events and activities, use of cross-curriculum activities and teaching.

How will the project develop exciting ‘bigger learning experiences’ and enterprise?

We already have project-building  experience.

We intent to give our students the chance of hands-on experience through workshops, outdoor activities, local events and activities, use of cross-curriculum activities and teaching.

How do you plan to use the project to engage pupils in learning a foreign language?

Foreign languages are already in the curriculum.

We want to extend our linguistic activities, encourage task assignments in foreign languages and promote communication with the pupils of the partner schools.

How do you plan to use ICT to enhance and improve the project experience?

ICT is already in the school curriculum, so we have basic access to the web and p.c. programmes

We already have experience of using the ICT  from our previous European project .

  • We will create useful material with the use of ICT. --We will upload our material on the project’s website and use our partners’   material in educational activities.
  • we will encourage our pupils to search for information on the web effectively with safety.
  • We will disseminate our project work to the local community/educational community through the web and social networks

NAME …………………………………….

This sheet should be used to encourage reflection and discussion on the project work and how it impacts into your school and teaching .   The copies should be kept by the teachers ready for completion at the end of year two.  It may be useful to ask your school project colleagues to also complete this.


Start of the project responses 
(Year One)

End of the project summary 
(Year Two)

How does the project add to your teaching and learning experience in the school?

The project gives teachers the chance to work on new subjects/thematic fields, work with different age groups,  get to know and use new teaching methods (i.e. hands-on experience, experimental workshops), evolve in the use of ICT. It promotes the creation of useful educational material  which can be developed.


How do you share the project work with your colleagues?

How does this involve them in the work of the project?

The project work is shared through cross- curriculum activities, presentations, joint events. ICT is used.  

Teachers are encouraged to work together and contribute to the final outcomes depending on their subject and special skills.


How does your school benefit from your European work?



European works opens up new horizons for our school. We are in a partnership were, despite the different cultural backrounds, we wish to share a common vision and the same goals.

The mobilities and workshops  give equal teaching and learning opportunities/experiences for participants of all countries, which would be impossible outside a European Project framework. The project has European added value.

Local activities and project management are financed. That is very important for our school due to the economic crisis and due to the very serious financial problems of our pupils.


How does the project encourage pupils’ a)confidence,




a) confidence  Pupils are encouraged to display initiatives, use their creativity and communicate with foreign pupils/teachers. The skills they will have by the end of the programme will support their self esteam and confidence.

b) motivation  This is achieved through the pupils’ participation in various activities, like alternative experimental workshops, drama role play, handicraft, outdoor activities, educational visits

c) responsibility Pupils will have specific  assignements of tasks individually and in groups. They will have a role of delegation and specific goals to achieve, with timelines. They will learn useful things concerning healthy living, smart consuming and environmental issues. We hope that through this knowledge they will develop a more responsible attitude towards themselves and the environment.


How do you ensure that the quality of the pupils’ project work is robust?

The project is under close surveillance by the paedagogical team and monitoring is used in every step of the pupils’ work. The pupils work in small, flexible groups and they are given specific and realistic assignments of tasks. Internal assessment and evaluation are held by the teathers.

