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Fables: Willow sticks
by (ee)
Kolja the beaver had got out of his bed on the wrong side in the morning and was chopping trees by an oxbow lake in order to relieve his moodiness. Kolja had cut down a nice slim willow and beavered away at it so the chips flew.
Henry the wolf, who was prowling nearby, happened to hear the deafening rattle. By the time the wolf got to the oxbow lake, Kolja had chopped the big willow into small sticks. The forest floor looked like a factory of pencils. As soon as Kolja noticed the wolf, he felt embarrassed about his action and hurried off.
Henry decided to call a meeting. Siim the hedgehog, Jaan the hare and Kaarel the bear showed up. Everyone had their own opinion: Siim wished to add the willow sticks to his famous collection of willow sticks, Jaan wanted to burn the willow sticks in the bonfire on Midsummers Eve and Kaarel thought it would be much wiser to watch how quickly the sticks would rot.
Wolf Henry didn’t think any of the ideas was good enough. At the very last minute the greedy muskrat turned up, who suggested keeping the sticks to himself until someone comes up with a better idea. The animals agreed to meet up again at the same place in a year.
Muskrat Veiko tried to lug the sticks into his dens but none of them were long or wide enough to fit the whole stick. Eventually Veiko got angry and pushed the sticks into the ground.
Next year, when the animals got together again, they discovered that the sticks had exfoliated and they had grown roots.
Since then, everyone knows that a willow stick poked into the ground grows itself roots, blooms and grows into a big tree.
Henri Poolak
Form 5
Kobras Kolja oli hommikul vale jalaga voodist välja astunud ning purustas nüüd oma paha tuju leevendamiseks jõekäärus puid. Kolja oli langetanud kena sihvaka paju ja laamendas selle kalla nii, et laastud lendasid.
Kõrvulukustavat raginat juhtus kuulma hunt Henry, kes ligidal luusis. Selleks ajaks, kui hunt jõekääru jõudis, oli kobras Kolja suure paju juba pisikesteks pulkadeks lõhkunud. Metsaalune nägi välja nagu pliiatsivabrik. Hunti nähes hakkas Koljal tehtu pärast kangesti häbi ning ta tegi kiiresti minekut.
Henry otsustas pidada koosoleku. Sinna tulid siil Siim, jänes Jaan ja karu Kaarel. Kõigil oli oma arvamus: Siim soovis lisada pajupulgad oma kuulsasse pajupulkade kogusse, Jaan tahtis pulgad jaanitules põletada, Kaarel arvas, et hoopis mõttekam oleks vaadata, kui kiiresti pulgad mädanevad.
Hunt Henry arvates ei olnud ükski mõte piisavalt hea. Viimasel minutil jõudis kohale ahne vesirott Veiko, kes tegi ettepaneku, et võtab pulgad enda kätte hoiule, kuniks kellelgi parem mõte tuleb. Loomad leppisid kokku, et kohtuvad järgmisel aastal uuesti samas kohas.
Vesirott Veiko püüdis tirida pulki oma urgudesse, kuid ükski neist polnud piisavalt pikk ega lai, et pulk üleni sisse mahuks. Pikapeale Veiko vihastas ja lükkas kõik pulgad otsapidi maa sisse. Järgmisel aastal, kui loomad taas kokku said, avastasid nad, et pulgad olid lehte läinud, neile olid juured alla kasvanud.
Sellest ajast peale teab igaüks, et maa sisse torgatud pajuoks võtab juured alla, läheb õide ja kasvab suureks puuks.
Henri Poolak
5. klass
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Comment by henri |
Nice story and lovely pictures
Comment by Charlie |
I love your drawings. I hope you keep having fun.